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Chemical treatments in Lake George, and Lake Trout revival

Zac Matson with the Adirondack Explorer joins us to discuss his stories this summer on the controversial use of a chemical treatment to kill off invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil plants in Lake George. Zac also talks about his story in the new September/October Issue of Adirondack Explorer on how lake trout have rebounded and are thriving once again in Lake Champlain. Read More: www.adirondackexplorer.org

Along with Zac’s story on the lake trout, the new issue of Adirondack Explorer has the latest installment of Tim Rowland’s Jobs 2.0 series that looks at the future of employment in the Adirondack Park and how independent entrepreneurs are filling needs in the Park.

And Arietta Hallock talks to the graduating class at Indian Lake Central School, all 4 of them! Her story on the school’s smallest class ever looks at the growing trend across rural New York of schools with declining enrollment. You’ll find those stories & more in the September/October issue of Adirondack Explorer.