Our Derek Muirden shares the story behind a dedicated group’s crusade to save their community’s historic bridges in Keeseville, New...
People Near Here returns. Our Derek Muirden tells us the story behind some new brickwork at the Clyde Lewis Air...
Last fall we followed along on a North Country Honor Flight with local veterans to visit the memorials in Washington,...
Every two years, quilters who belong to the Champlain Valley Quilters Guild here in New York, host their Quilt Show...
Derek Muirden gives us a look at the Adirondack Experience’s new summer exhibits, including a rather unusual display featuring all...
Our Derek Muirden takes us to a new distillery that’s opened in the North Country, and tells us why it’s...
In his latest People Near Here segment, Derek Muirden introduces us to a photographer who has published a new picture...