There’s debate among lawmakers over the concealed carry law passed by the New York State Legislature during a special session...
Mountain Lake Journal
The award-winning magazine series exploring the people, events, issues, and diverse cultures found throughout our region. Produced and hosted by Thom Hallock.
One of the most popular attractions in the Adirondacks is historic Fort Ticonderoga. Coming up next weekend, the fort is...
“SHE” is the first feature-length film for Plattsburgh filmmakers Jason Greer & Vanessa Cicarelli, based on the book of poetry by Plattsburgh State Professor Aimee Baker about some of the thousands of “Jane Does”, woman who are missing. or whose unidentified remains have been found. The film premiered this past...
This week a piece of Adirondack history’s new life and mission. And a historic landmark gets a multi-million dollar makeover....
Canadians are heading back to the Adirondacks, which over the past couple of years have seen a lot of visitors escaping COVID and the pandemic. All that traffic, and hikers hitting many of the most popular trails in the High Peaks is why Hiker Shuttle Buses are returning for a...
With the border reopened, Canadians are heading south once again and flocking back to Lake Champlain for the summer. But...
Contour Airlines has started up service offering daily non-stop Essential Air Service flights from Plattsburgh to Philadelphia. The new flights...
Just a few years ago, St. Joseph’s Parish, in the town of Plattsburgh, was on the decline and seeing fewer parishioners, so it joined with other Catholic Churches in Morrisonville, Cadyville, and Peru to share resources. St. Joseph’s Pastor, Father Scott Seymour, says he knew in his heart the church...
Hundreds of demonstrators lined City Hall Place in Plattsburgh this week to protest the Supreme Court’s ruling, a week ago,...