Tens of thousands of visitors came to the Adirondacks & North Country to watch the spectacular Solar Eclipse. And it...
Mountain Lake Journal
The award-winning magazine series exploring the people, events, issues, and diverse cultures found throughout our region. Produced and hosted by Thom Hallock.
This week: The pilot program that uses these protected cages in Lake Champlain in hopes of boosting the salmon population...
Many climbed to the summit of Poke-O-Moonshine in the Adirondacks to witness the total solar eclipse from a spectacular vantage point....
Thousands gathered for a once-in-a-lifetime experience of the total eclipse. The town’s observatory, experienced in stargazing, attracted multitudes to witness...
Thousands of visitors, including astronomers, photographers and eclipse enthusiasts, gathered in Tupper Lake at the Wild Center, and in Plattsburgh...
New episodesMondays at 9 pm Encore presentationsFridays at 2 pmMondays at 4 pm Gifted students share their talents for a second season on Mountain Lake PBS! The weekly program Music from Meadowmount features highlights from the summer concerts performed by accomplished young musicians studying at Meadowmount School of Music in Westport, New...
This week: From the mountain tops to the Adirondacks, tens of thousands experienced the spectacular total solar eclipse. What made...
Many communities in the Adirondacks have been planning for the eclipse for the past couple of years. Tupper Lake is...
Communities across the Adirondacks are getting ready for this once-in-a-lifetime event, and at the same time, putting out the welcome mat for what could be tens of thousands of visitors who are expected to flock here this weekend creating what State Police are warning could be significant traffic tie-ups and...
Filmmaker Lori Bailey is coming home to the Adirondacks this weekend to host a special one-night screening of her feature...