“Pentacle,” composed for two harps in the 1920s by Carlos Salzedo, is not only a challenging piece for the harp...
Mountain Lake Journal
The award-winning magazine series exploring the people, events, issues, and diverse cultures found throughout our region. Produced and hosted by Thom Hallock.
There have been a couple of close calls this summer with invasive species in the Adirondack Park. Lake Stewards intercepted...
Also this week crews with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program have been surveying hemlock trees on Prospect Mountain in Lake George where a dreaded insect, called the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, was discovered in early July. The insect has infested forests...
Our Jack LaDuke joins hundreds who came to the Adirondacks to witness the spectacular solar eclipse this week. Learn more...
Brendan Quirion also talks about a new study he has authored on tackling another invasive plant that has become a...
Mountain Lake PBS viewers will have their ideas of how harp music should sound challenged this week, when Christina Brier and Kathryn Sloat of the duo Lilac 94 appear the Mountain Lake Journal segment “Spotlight.” They will perform music considered radical when it was composed the 1920s, music that still...
Parc Safari’s Director of Zoology and Conservation, Nathalie Santerre gives us more information about the recently born cheetah cubs, named...
One of those programs in the Adirondacks is a study by the Wildlife Conservation Society using specially trained dogs to...
Two cheetah cubs, the first ever born in Quebec, have become celebrities on Facebook, and will get to meet visitors at the Parc Safari Wildlife Reserve in Hemmingford, Quebec beginning September 1st. The cubs, born in captivity in May, are part of a breeding program zoologists hope will help to...
A mother and daughter’s love for flowers has blossomed into a family business making wedding days memorable for brides. Learn...