This week we feature a new film premiering next week tells the story of a young marine from Mineville, New...
Mountain Lake Journal
The award-winning magazine series exploring the people, events, issues, and diverse cultures found throughout our region. Produced and hosted by Thom Hallock.
A new project works to preserve the history and culture of French Canadians who by the hundreds of thousands have...
We kick off a new season of Mountain Lake Journal with a look at Governor Andrew Cuomo’s agenda for the year, including marijuana legalization. Plus, we sit down with New York State Assemblyman Billy Jones to talk about the year ahead for Democrats in the State. Airs Friday at 8:00,...
This week, we focus on art in the region and celebrate the life and work of Rockwell Kent with a...
Around 600 jobs will stay in the North Country after a deal is struck with the state to supply cheap...
This week Mountain Lake Journal talks in depth with Ben Stiller, director of Escape from Dannemora. Meanwhile, the 20th anniversary of the Holiday Train rolls through the area, bringing holiday cheer and collecting nonperishable food items and donations for the areas local food pantries. Airs Friday at 8:00, Saturday at 7:00...
Rep. Elise Stefanik sat down with Thom Hallock today in our studio to discuss a wide range of issues ahead...
Former Congressman Bill Owens joins us in the studio to discuss the growing trade rift between the US and #Canada...
A new opera by an ensemble from Seagle Music Colony in Schroon Lake, New York explores the experiences of wounded U.S. Veterans. Based on the real-life experiences of returning veterans, “The Falling and The Rising” follows the triumph and struggle of veterans returning home from deployment. The opera explores the...
We lose ourselves among the stalks of the Great Adirondack Corn Maze in Gabriels, New York. Visit the iForest at...