A comedic short film celebrates the thrill of a shocking game of predator versus prey. Filmmaker Sam Avery directed the...
Mountain Lake Journal
The award-winning magazine series exploring the people, events, issues, and diverse cultures found throughout our region. Produced and hosted by Thom Hallock.
Last year students at Ausable Valley Central School performed their spring Drama Club production just days before the pandemic closed...
North Country Chamber of Commerce CEO Garry Douglas talked with U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand about the plan for reopening the border during a recent virtual town hall meeting hosted by the Chamber. Gillibrand also talks about funding to expand broadband that’s included in the American Rescue Plan, the COVID stimulus...
This week, how this past year has been particularly tough on communities and businesses along the border, whose lives and...
Film reflects on rural childhood, beautiful and isolating You may see a touching short film next month, one that features family-life...
March marks the one-year anniversary of the first confirmed cases of the coronavirus in New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo began what would become a daily ritual for 100 days, holding a coronavirus briefing. Beginning in March 2020, Cuomo ordered a shutdown of the economy and schools that lasted months. Statewide,...
2021 is the 40th anniversary of the Hudson Headwaters Health Network, which has grown from a single health center that...
Olympic skier Andrew Weibrecht is setting his sights on a new challenge. The retired two-time Olympic medalist who won a...
This week we look back at a year like none other. Will delays getting Canadians vaccinated keep the border closed through the summer? Also what could be the future of rural healthcare arrives in the Adirondacks. And an Olympic medalist heads to the Adirondack back-country for his next challenge....
Just about a year-to-the-day after the first COVID cases here in the North Country, and the months-long statewide shutdown that...