Mountain Lake PBS is proud to announce the premiere of “Adirondacks for All,” a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the...
Bad Apples, a new series from the Walter Presents collection, is now available to stream on Passport! In 1970s Finland,...
The Cost of Inheritance, an America ReFramed special, explores the complex issue of reparations in the U.S. using a thoughtful...
February is Black History Month and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. kicks off the celebration with Gospel, a new four-part series...
Saving the American Buffalo, and a detective must solve the mystery of his own past | Passport Picks
The dramatic story of America’s national mammal, which sustained the lives of Native people for untold generations, being driven to...
Join Mountain Lake PBS and The Carriage House Cooking School on March 10th for a celestial culinary experience. It’s the...
Registration for this trip is closed This October join Mountain Lake PBS to discover Portugal—one of Europe’s smallest but most...