Do you believe in Mountain Lake PBS and the importance of public television in YOUR community? Are you a High...
Two years in the making, countless hours of filming, and finally the project is complete. Music Magic: The String Pulse...
The Substance Abuse Prevention and Recovery Coalition (SPARCC) in Plattsburgh on March 31st promoting a forum to be held this...
Mountain Lake PBS is proud to be a part of the Justice & Accountability Conference at Vanier College. Keeping these...
The President’s FY 18 budget proposes eliminating federal funding for public media. Mountain Lake PBS relies on this essential federal...
Plattsburgh, NY – 03/07/2017 – Mountain Lake PBS, now entering it’s 40th year, is pleased to announce the appointment of...
Mountain Lake PBS has launched a new, free localized 24/7 children’s services on January 16, 2017. Provided by Mountain Lake...