SENTIER DES CIMES LAURENTIDES – TREETOP WALK Nestled in the heart of the Laurentians, “Le Sentier des Cimes” invites you...
The Mountain Lake PBS Pollination Station is back and blooming in its fourth year on the lawn of 1 Sesame...
Heads up Montreal music lovers: you are in for a treat as two internationally acclaimed acts, Andrew Bird and Amadou...
Bleu Lavande: A Symphony of Serenity and Sensory Delight in the Heart of Quebec This enchanting destination, located at 2525...
This week, we are excited to kick off New Member Week at Mountain Lake PBS! As your trusted source for...
Prohibition tells the story of the rise, rule, and fall of the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the...
The lights of Broadway will shine brightly in Montreal as the world’s most beloved musical, Les Misérables, graces the stage...