Friends Union, the professional traditional music ensemble that formed among friends in Plattsburgh 43 years ago and returned to the...
Meet Driftwood, a 5-month old Border Collie from Nova Scotia who lost 3-4 inches off the back of his legs...
Do the melodies of La Bohème bring you happiness? Are you singing the Barber of Seville in the shower? Are...
Masterpieces for violin, saxophone, and piano will take center stage at the U.S. Oval Gazebo on the evening of June...
Classical harpist Kathryn Sloat will perform her signature solo program “Moon and Stars” on Saturday, June 19 at 7:30 pm at...
Music by Robert Schumann, Tomaso Albinoni, Aram Khachaturian, and much more will fill the air on the former Plattsburgh Air...
In this week’s Passport Pick, Join Emily Graslie for a summer road trip through America’s dinosaur country on a search...