Tom Bateman stars as the enigmatic John Beecham, a handsome former soldier who has purchased the mansion, Beecham House, to...
Last November 9th, the Montreal Classical Orchestra (OCM) under the direction of maestro Boris Brott, opened it’s 82nd season in...
We want to congratulate our very own Thom Hallock on being named the Grand Marshal for this year’s City of...
PBS has created a vast library of veteran’s stories across platforms. Locally, Mountain Lake PBS has produced many documentaries and...
The Lyrichorégra 20 Theater is a non-profit organization founded in 1976 by tenor Alain Nonat, with the help of many prominents members...
The Segal Centre for Performing Arts is one of Montreal`s premiere destinations for world class English theater and beyond. This October , they...
The Montreal Phi Centre is a multifunctional exhibition building that connects people with various forms of art. It also functions as a space...