After two years of hosting online performances, it’s time to reunite with live audiences and celebrate the arrival of spring...
After a tumultuous 2021-2022 season, which was greatly affected by the global pandemic. L’Opera de Montreal is delighted to present...
After missing two seasons due to the pandemic, the Stars on Ice tour is bringing figure skating back to its...
We currently live in somewhat turbulent times…slowly learning to adapt to a new way of life following a global pandemic,...
With the recent easing of most sanitary measures in the city, more and more spectators have been eager to attend...
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts welcomes you to re-discover the multicolored world of “Nicolas Party: L’heure mauve” (Mauve Twilight)...
Black Theatre Workshop is BACK with LIVE theatre! Witness the journey of Pipeline, a powerful look into the education system,...