“The Rishta,” written by critically acclaimed novelist, playwright, and teacher Uzma Jalaluddin, and directed by the talented Masha Bashmakova, has...
April is Earth Month, and to celebrate, we start off with Ken Burns giving us a never before seen look...
Tonight the 5th edition of L’Alcôve, an alluring and glamorous burlesque show that features both local and international showgirls is...
Le Livart in Montreal is currently hosting a free exhibition that explores the relationship between nature and technology through virtual...
Next April 4th at 8:00 p.m., as part of the Captures d’audace en scène series, the Rewild collective proposes <Quien...
Let’s Learn is back beginning April 3rd! Watch the series 12-1 pm, weekdays, before the Watch & Wonder program block....
With the coming of spring and people beginning to venture outdoors again, we travel on a spectacular visual journey through...