Montreal, renowned for its cultural richness, has welcomed a captivating new exhibition at Place Bonaventure. “Antoine de Saint Exupery, The...
As May blooms, so does the vibrant celebration of Asian Heritage Month in Montreal, courtesy of the much-anticipated 29th edition...
The anticipation is palpable as Montreal’s historic downtown landmark, Le 9e, “a jewel of Montreal’s architectural and cultural heritage.” reopens...
This Sunday May 5th at La Maison Symphonique de Montreal, Les Petits Chanteurs du Mont-Royal cordially invite you to attend...
For families, friends and skating enthusiasts who are captivated by the grace and athleticism of figure skating, the 2024 Stars...
The spirit of Leonard Cohen resonated through the hallowed halls of the Cabaret du Casino de Montréal this past weekend, as renowned...
Ready to make your mark on the silver screen? You’ve got just two weeks left to submit your masterpiece to...