Journey back to the tumultuous times of adolescence with the masterful musical, “Spring Awakening.” This iconic show, which dives deep...
Get ready for an evening of unparalleled excitement as Bombardier, in collaboration with CN and Spinelli, proudly presents the 6th...
Take a Journey into the World of Imagination with Cirque du Soleil’s KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities
Cirque du Soleil’s production of KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities is a breathtaking and whimsical journey into a fantastical steampunkish...
The Stella Musica Festival, renowned for promoting the contributions of women in music, triumphantly returned for its ninth season last...
All episodes of the brand-new season 10 of Seaside Hotel will be on Passport starting May 31st! Seasons 1-9 are...
The inaugural Montréal Cocktail Fest has wrapped up, leaving attendees buzzing with excitement and unforgettable memories. Held from May 19th...
Montreal’s Plateau-Mont-Royal neighborhood is about to get a whole lot more exciting with the grand opening of Quiz Room, a...