As we enjoy The Great American Read Tuesdays at 8 PM this month on Mountain Lake PBS, some of us...
Mountain Lake PBS announced today that public broadcasting stations across New York State will air special programming examining the opioid...
We held a special screening of the documentary “The Mayo Clinic: Faith-Hope-Science” at the Miner Institute in Chazy last week,...
Christine Blasey Ford, the first woman to publicly accuse Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, began her...
ONLY $8 for adults and $4 for students! Don’t miss your chance to support your local Public Television Station, get...
LOVE is such a powerful emotion … Young, old, beautiful or deformed, people have their own unique ways of expressing...
The Great American Read is back! Explore the ways that America’s best-loved novels answer the age-old question, “Who Am I?”...