Brooke Owen is a balloonist living in upstate New York. He learned how to pilot a hot air balloon at...
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An avid skier, Aaron Kellett became the General Manager of Whiteface Ski Resort in 2012. Written by Sawyer White. Edited...
Tim Dolka is the Executive Chef in Food and Beverage Management of the River View Cafe at High Falls Gorge....
Veterinarian discusses her education and previous work experience....
Maple syrup makers in upstate New York have a sweet job with many responsibilities. This story profiles Laura Trudeau at...
Gail Huston is a cheesemaker at Asgaard, a goat dairy farm in Au Sable Forks, New York. Videography by Ben...
A Museum Educator discusses her education and previous work experience. Samantha Bellinger works at the Plattsburgh State Art Museum on...
Marybeth Schraders works as the manager of Kids’ Station Children’s Museum in Plattsburgh, New York. Videography by Ben Carstens of...
Steven Tucker is the president of Tucker Farms Inc. in Gabriels, New York, and a full-time farmer. Videography by Jean...
Stewardship Coordinator discusses his education and previous work experience. Bill Amadon helps create trails for Champlain Area Trails in Essex,...