Do you like getting your hands dirty and helping out? Bee a friend to local pollinators with Mountain Lake PBS and AdkAction!
This summer, AdkAction’s Mobile Pollinator Garden Trailer, or “Pollinator-Mobile,” will travel around the Adirondacks, helping plant eleven community pollinator gardens as part of their hands-on pollinator conservation efforts – and Mountain Lake PBS is bee-yond excited to get in on the action!
Join us on Friday, June 25th anytime from 2 to 4 PM! Kids can lend a hand and plant pollinator-friendly wildflowers in the garden, and then take home a seed packet to start their very own! Everyone leaves with a PBS KIDS activity bag and book to keep the fun and learning going at home.
The event is free for the whole family, but registration is limited.
What is a pollinator garden?

A pollinator garden features flowers that provide nectar or pollen to a variety of pollinating insects, like bees, butterflies and moths. Native flowering plants – ones that come from the area you are starting your garden in – are best, and you should avoid pesticides and other chemicals when caring for them. In the Adirondacks this could include bee balm, milkweed, white turtlehead, mountain mint, and phlox. These gardens are beautiful and can help attract birds and other wildlife too!
The Adirondack Pollinator Project
The Adirondack Pollinator Project helps promote the health of pollinators in our ecosystem, provides resources to become a pollinator advocate, and helps communities plant more local wildflowers to help supply pollinators with the food sources they need to survive and thrive.
For more information on pollinators, and how to bee engaged with local conservation efforts, visit our What’s the Buzz on World Bee Day post!