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BHSN Opens New Residential Crisis Center and Holds Film Screening

Behavioral Health Services North has opened two new residential crisis centers in Plattsburgh that allow individuals in crisis to receive short-term recovery and support services. Katherine Cook, BHSN’s President and CEO, joins us along with Kourtni Souliere, BHSN’s Associate Director of Crisis Services, for a discussion about the new crisis residences, one for adults and another for children. The Adult Residential Crisis Center, which has 6 beds, opened in September. The Children’s Crisis Center, which has 4 beds, has been open since last November. Both of the centers will be open and staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Katherine Cook and Kourtni Souliere also talked about how BHSN is hosting an upcoming special screening of Hiding In Plain Sight on November 19th at 5:30pm at the Strand Theatre in Plattsburgh. It’s a documentary from filmmaker Ken Burns, and co-directors Erik and Christopher Loren Ewers, about the mental health crisis among youth in America. The film follows 20 young individuals living with mental health challenges.

The screening will be held on Tuesday, November 19th at 5:30pm at the Strand Theatre, and followed by a panel discussion with filmmaker Erik Ewers, one of the young people featured in the film, and local mental health groups and organizations. The screening is free and open to the public.

For more info: www.facebook.com/BHSN