We all have plans for how to finish this year… things to get done and ways to celebrate.
While you’re making those plans, make today the day you do something special… something not only for your family and friends, but for yourself:
Here’s what your donation will help create in 2019:
✔ The long-anticipated Ken Burns documentary: Country Music
✔ Additional seasons of your favorites: Victoria, Poldark and Finding Your Roots.
✔ American Experience taking on Woodstock and the Cold War race to the moon
✔ NOVA hosting a tour of our solar system.
Time is short to do your part to keep Mountain Lake PBS as your home for all that PBS brings to your world!
Finish your year strong and powerful: make your year-end contribution to Mountain Lake PBS.
Thank you!

Bill McColgan
President and CEO, Mountain Lake PBS
P.S.This is a perfect time to renew your membership or make a special year-end donation. The tax deduction deadline for 2018 is only days away so get it done today!
P.P.S. If you’ve already given a gift, THANK YOU!