This summer, nurture kids’ creativity and foster opportunities to get involved in the arts with NYSSSA programs.

The New York State Summer School of the Arts returns with 3-week summer programs for students, grades 8-12, in theatre, media arts, and visual arts. Each in-residence program will be held at SUNY Fredonia from July 6-27. This immersive summer experience for high school artists delivers robust training, connecting kids with professional artists in the visual and performing arts. Tuition assistance is available. Applications are due by Friday, March 8 for theatre and Friday, March 15 for visual arts and media arts. Learn more about the application process and each of this year’s offered programs on the NYSSSA website.
In addition to in-residency opportunities for young artists, NYSSSA is also offering the Empire State Arts Scholarship program, providing students in grades 5-12 with scholarships to attend the NYS-based arts program of their choice in their own communities. The program increases access and equity to arts education through need-based grants to low-income students who want to pursue summer growth opportunities. This year $180,000 is available for students who meet application requirements. Scholarship applications are due by Friday, April 19 with the review process evaluated based on financial need. More information can be found on the Arts Scholarship Program web page.
For a general FAQ about the Summer Arts In-Residence and Scholarship Programs, visit
Office of Cultural Education

The New York State Education Department’s Office of Cultural Education is comprised of the State Library, State Museum, State Archives, Public Broadcasting Program and the Summer School of the Arts (NYSSSA). Since the NYSSSA program was founded in 1970, more than 18,000 students have benefitted from its curriculum and training. The Office supports research, operates programs, and develops collections that serve the long-term interests of the institutions and residents of New York.