Our Monkton translator virtual channel numbers (previously 25.1, 2 and 3) have been changed to 57.1, 57.2 and 57.3.

Another Democrat Joins NY 21 Congressional Race

A former cable TV host jumps into an already crowded New York 21 Congressional race. Former CNBC & MSNBC television anchor Dylan Ratigan chose his hometown of Saranac Lake to announce he’s entering politics and the race for Congress in New York’s 21st District. Watch the in-depth interview with Ratigan on PBS station KLRU in Austin, Texas: http://www.klru.org/overheard/episode/dylan-ratigan/

About the Candidates’ Forum: Before Ratigan jumped in, 9 other Democrats, and one Republican hoping to unseat incumbent Congresswoman Elise Stefanik met for a town hall forum at SUNY Plattsburgh this past weekend. With the mass shooting in Florida last week, several of the candidates spoke out in favor of reforming the nation’s gun laws. They also touched on the opioid crisis, health care, and the economy. In the days after the forum, two of the Democratic candidates, Tonya Boone and Sara Idleman ended their campaigns and dropped out of the race. The forum was hosted by the community group Change Through Action. Watch the entire 2-hour forum on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thepeoplesforumNY21/videos/1814868921896768/

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