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Age of Nature Panel Discussion

In October, we premiered a new documentary series on Mountain Lake PBS called Age of Nature that focused on efforts by scientists and conservationists to restore and rehabilitate ecosystems all around the world. From the forests that supply the Panama Canal with millions of gallons of water, to helping Chinook Salmon reach their native spawning grounds in Washington State to efforts to regenerate the ancient forests in the Highlands of Scotland. If you watched the series, you saw similar efforts all over the planet, from Antarctica, to China, to Yellowstone National Park. If you missed any of the three Age of Nature episodes, watch them for the next few weeks on our website at mountainlake.org, or you can watch Age of Nature online, on demand, anytime, using our Passport streaming service. We are also going to rebroadcast all three Age of Nature segments coming up on December 14-16 at 2pm. It will be part of our Leaning at Home line-up of programming dedicated to students who are at home these days learning remotely.

AGE OF NATURE PANEL DISCUSSION: In late October, we held an online screening of Age of Nature and invited a panel of stewards & stakeholders working to protect, preserve, and restore the environment, here in the Adirondacks and North Country. They represent advocacy groups, policy makers, and environmental watchdogs. They joined us to talk about the Age of Nature and whether we have seen or are currently seeing similar efforts in the Adirondacks. Our panel included Willie Janeway with the Adirondack Council, Brittany Christenson with ADKAction, Mike DiNunzio, a retired conservation ecologist, and John and Katie Culpepper with the Compost For Good Project with ADKAction.

LEARN MORE: www.adirondackcouncil.org. www.adkaction.org.