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Bill McKibben on Climate Fight

Author and environmental activist Bill McKibben was in Plattsburgh this week to talk to about 300 people who gathered at Plattsburgh United Methodist Church about the status of the environment and the growing urgency to reverse climate change. McKibben, who is a scholar-in-residence at Middelbury College, published his first book on climate change, “The End of Nature,” in 1989 and has since become one of the most renowned environmental activists and founder of the worldwide grassroots organization, 350.org. During his talk McKibben criticized fossil fuel companies, which he says knew decades ago the long-term implications of their products on climate. And he described how activists are working throughout the world to address climate change and its consequences. Following his hour-long presentation, McKibben said he senses growing urgency and dread over climate change. Learn more: www.350.org