Our Monkton translator virtual channel numbers (previously 25.1, 2 and 3) have been changed to 57.1, 57.2 and 57.3.

Norsk Titanium Ramping Up Production

Norsk Titanium, a new manufacturing facility that is up & running in the North Country, is using cutting-edge technology that’s being heralded as the next industrial revolution.

New York State has invested 125-million dollars to buy 40 of Norsk Titanium’s industrial-scale 3D printers, and build the company a state of the art factory at the site of the former Clinton County Airport in Plattsburgh. The company, which has already started producing titanium parts for aircraft manufacturers Airbus and Boeing, is planning to hire as many as 400 workers over the next few years.

Norsk Titanium CEO and President Warren Boley joins us along with North Country Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Garry Douglas to talk about the company’s plans for Plattsburgh that include hiring local workers trained at the new Institute for Advanced Manufacturing that is scheduled to open this fall at Clinton Community College, and its partnership with New York State.

  1. As someone who has followed the metal additive manufacturing / 3D printing industry for many years, it puzzles me how a Norwegian-based company like Norsk Titanium could get a $125,000,000 handout from the State of New York, or, in other words, from New York taxpayers that didn’t have a choice, when there are American companies, such as Sciaky, Inc. (Chicago, IL), who have far superior technology, real-world applications, and an existing customer base.

    How does this happen? Isn’t this the kind of thing as Americans that we are trying to get away from? Was there ever a bid process for American companies, with better technology, to have a fair shake at growing their American businesses? If so, where was the announcement and how long was this “fair” bid process open?

    This entire process has been shady from the outset. Seems fishy to me (anyone remember Enron?). As an American taxpayer, I think there needs to be more transparency on how our tax dollars are being spent.

    All in all, it is a black eye to the American taxpayer when shady deals like this are made that allows the greedy friends of the “well-connected” to get hand-picked over honest American companies with superior technology.

    And, by the way, the first parts that were promised to be manufactured in Plattsburgh are being manufactured in Norway.

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