Our Monkton translator virtual channel numbers (previously 25.1, 2 and 3) have been changed to 57.1, 57.2 and 57.3.

Life From Above: Patterned Planet | Watch & Wonder Weekly Highlight

Tuesday, October 4, 2 PM

For next week’s Watch & Wonder Highlight, we’re thrilled to feature this episode of Life From Above. After watching, dive deeper with resources about how satellite imagery can be used by scientists to sustain biodiversity on PBS LearningMedia.

In Patterned Planet, behold Earth as it’s never been seen before. From space earth’s surface is covered in weird and wonderful shapes. Wombats design their own landscape in Australia and hundreds of forest elephants create a tear in the endless green of the Congo forest canopy.

PBS LearningMedia

Satellite Imagery and Biodiversity | Life from Above

Grades 6-12
Satellite imagery allow us to expand our perspective on planet Earth. Satellite technology allows scientists to make critical decisions about conservation, track patterns of species movement, and better understand how species interact with each other. In two short video segments from Life From Above, we see satellite imagery showing two elephant populations struggling to survive for different reasons. After watching the videos, use the discussion questions to encourage students to think about how satellites and satellite imagery can improve efforts to track populations and make critical conservation decisions.

In school or at home, take advantage of the Watch & Wonder broadcast schedule. Running each weekday from 1-3 PM, Watch & Wonder is great for classroom viewing, distance instruction, and families looking to spend some extra, quality time together. Featured programs are ideal for kids in grades 6-12, encouraging creativity with the arts, kick starting innovation through STEM, and expanding their horizons with stories from across the globe!

Each week, we’ll highlight a show from our Watch & Wonder block, and share a PBS LearningMedia resource — suitable for middle and high school students. Follow along on the Watch & Wonder Schedule page, or subscribe to our newsletter!