Get Giggling on National Tell a Joke Day!

Knock knock. Who’s there?

It’s National Tell a Joke Day! Tickle your funny bone on Sunday, August 16 and get laughing with some of our favorite family-friendly jokes.

What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?
Time to get a new fence.

What did the left eye say to the right eye?
Between us, something smells!

What’s Curious George’s favorite dessert to share?
A banana split!

How do ducks learn to fly?
They just wing it.

What do you call a T-rex after she goes to sleep?
A dino-snore.

What happens when you tell an egg a joke?
It cracks up!

Ernie, would you like some ice cream?

And, as if you needed another reason to giggle, did you know studies have found that…

Children with more developed senses of humor score higher in tests of intelligence and creativity

Humor promotes children’s language and literacy skills, since understanding jokes requires a sophisticated mastery of language

Teaching your children with humor aids learning because people tend to remember humorous lessons better

Having a great sense of humor can help reduce stress and ease social interactions, enabling your child to diffuse conflict and make friends more easily

For more side-splitting fun, check out this list of Funny Books for Kids from PBS Parents.


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