Childhood Cancer Fundraiser

8-year old Karson Hull took his first ride on a zip line this week. Karson, who lives in Jay, New York, battled cancer twice. Karson’s parents, Cole and Holly Hull, have started a non-profit called Hope for Miracles, and are partnering with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in New York City to raise awareness & money for childhood cancer research, and in particular, neuroblastoma, the rare type of cancer Karson has battled, and beaten, twice. The Hulls have teamed up with Marc Doering, who is the owner of Experience Outdoors, an adventure park in Lake Placid, to host a fundraiser, a family fun day, next Saturday June 22nd from 10-4. There will be zip-lining, rock climbing & repelling. Rain date will be June 23rd.
You can find more information on the event, and Hope for Miracles at


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