WILD about art in the North Country

Curators at an art gallery in Au Sable Forks, New York are wild about Adirondack art, and want you to feel comfortable and safe while viewing the latest exhibit.

The Wild at Heart exhibit at the Tahawus Cultural Center features works by three artists who live in the Adirondacks.  The works of each woman celebrate her own unique relationship with the wilds of the North Country. 

Sue Young

Paintings, drawings and digital pieces by artist, guide and angler Rachel Finn appear on the walls of the gallery, near delicately fashioned botanical collages by Lake Placid Olympic Museum Director Alison Haas.  Pottery and sculptures by ceramic artist Sue Young complete the trio of artistic viewpoints.

Alison Haas

You may see the Wild at Heart exhibit from now until until June 26, at the Tahawus Cultural Center in Au Sable Forks.  The address is 14234 Route 9N, Main Street.

Rachel Finn

Hours for the public are Saturdays from 1 pm until 2:30 pm.  In order to serve all visitors during the era of COVID, the gallery will also open to individuals and small groups by special appointment. 

To make an appointment to see the art, call 1 646-734-0703.


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