Volunteers Lay Wreaths on Veteran’s Graves across The Nation

Next weekend, hundreds of thousands of wreaths will be laid on the graves of Veterans all across the country. An idea that started with a wreath maker in Maine, to place Christmas wreaths on every grave at Arlington National Cemetery, and has now spread across the nation.
Pete Siskavich spent this week marking the graves of the 161 veterans at the Saint Bernard’s and United Methodist cemetery in the hamlet of Lyon Mountain, grave sites that are buried under more than a foot of fresh snow.

This is the first time that volunteers in Lyon Mountain are joining in Wreaths Across America, and placing holiday wreaths on the headstone of every veteran.

The ceremony and wreath laying will take place Saturday, December 15th, at 12 noon at this cemetery in Lyon Mountain, as well as Saint Michael’s Cemetery in the neighboring town of Standish. Learn more: www.wreathsacrossamerica.org

Type in Lyon Mountain under location to learn more or contact Pete Siskavich via Facebook: www.facebook.com/petersiskavich


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