Time to Enjoy Cultural Outings in the City !

Summer is currently in full swing!

Citizens who select to go out during Covid-19 times in public spaces are still reminded to be mindful of others by maintaining social distancing, wearing masks (especially in closed spaces) and wash or disinfect their hands regularly.

With the arrival of pleasant weather and encouraging daily reports from Santé publique (public health), the city of Montreal has taken steps to gradually reopen stores, bars, restaurants and generally resume certain cultural activities such as cine-parks and museums for all to enjoy!

Return of the Cine-park : Royalmount Drive-in Event Theatre

One of the well welcomed summer activities is the return of the drive-in cinema which has been met with positive response from people of all ages: Since June 21st, a new urban drive-in theater has opened it’s doors at the corner of boulevard Décarie and autoroute 40.

Called the Royalmount Drive-in Event Theatre , this outdoor site designed by the companies C3 Events and Total Events can accommodate up to 250 cars for film screenings, live music concerts and bands ( photo below singer Shaharah performing live ), comedy and sports shows, and even religious ceremonies , graduations and corporate events.

Attendees to all of Royalmount events are asked to respect physical distancing rules by keeping two meters away from the passengers of other vehicles.

Food and beverages can be purchased in a safe way using an online order app or by visiting one of the on-site food trucks at the back of the parking lot.

Individual toilets with washbasins are installed on site and cleaned after each use.


Examples of up-coming events include :

REPLAY The Beatles Tribute – British Invasion Night Friday, July 17th, 2020

Just For Laughs Drive-In Series: Comedy Night in Canada On Saturday, July 25th

Osheaga présente The Damn Truth on Sat August 1st , 2020

For more information on entry prices for all events , please visit their main website : https://driveinmtl.com/

Post-Impressionism painting at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

In 1884, a group of artists led by Paul Signac created the Salon des Indépendants – where they defended the idea of an artistic event with “no jury, no awards.” Art, they believed, had to be accessible and could contribute to the common good.

Even if at the moment travel to and from Europe may be restricted, a bit of French ideology and culture has made its way to the city:

The major exhibition: ” Paris in the Days of Post-Impressionism: Signac and the Indépendants” is currently on display at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.

The Exhibition – running until November 15th 2020, features an impressive body of 500 paintings and graphic works from an exceptional private collection, including the largest collection of works by Paul Signac, as well as masterpieces by avant-garde artists, Impressionists (Monet, Morisot), Fauves (Dufy, Friesz, Marquet), Symbolists (Gauguin, Redon), Nabis (Bonnard, Denis, Lacombe, Sérusier, Ranson, Vallotton), Neo-Impressionists (Cross, Luce, Pissarro, Seurat, Van Rysselberghe) and observers of life in Paris (Anquetin, Degas, Ibels, Lautrec, Picasso Steinlen).


The museum may have reopened its doors to the public and will remain open every day of the summer (including Mondays), however all patrons are asked to wear masks and this will be the only exhibition accessible to visitors at this time.

The Museum’s permanent collections and cultural activities (guided tours, lectures, Family Weekends, Art Hive, Thursdays at the Museum, the Museum’s School of Art, WKSHP 15-20, and PRISM) will not be offered until further notice, however the Boutique & Bookstore will be open Thursday to Sunday all summer long.

For ticket purchase and reservation please visit the Museum’s main web page at : https://www.mbam.qc.ca/en/exhibitions/10473/

Happy and Safe outings !


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