The Resilient Ones, A Generation Takes on Climate Change

This film, produced by Mountain Lake PBS and Bright Blue EcoMedia looks at the effects of climate change in the Adirondack region of upstate New York, and the next generation of visionaries working to make a difference.

In August of 2011 Hurricane Irene ripped through the Adirondack Mountains of Northern New York, destroying lives and village infrastructure and upsetting the delicate ecological systems in this pristine wilderness area. Once seemingly immune to the effects of climate change, Irene exposed how even mountainous inland areas can be just as vulnerable to extreme weather events.

In the aftermath of the storm, three high school students take us on a journey through the region to meet local leaders and innovators as they search for both short-term adaptive strategies to extreme weather and long-term solutions to reducing carbon emissions. Cody Bary, Erin Weaver, and Gina Fioreli gather experience and information as they prepare for and host the 2013 Youth Climate Summit, where 400 students meet, collaborate and draft action plans.

Learn more on The Resilient Ones webpage.

Join us for a special screening of Sinking Cities followed by a discussion on the impact of of climate change in our region. Join us at the MLPBS studios on Tuesday, June 4th at 7:30 pm for our forum on Climate Change as we bring together members of our community for a discussion on the issues we face, and potential solutions.

Guests will include:

Dr. Eric Leibensperger is a climatologist with SUNY Plattsburgh who authored a study on the increase in temperatures in the #Adirondacks over the past century, especially since 1980, and primarily during the winter season; Willie Janeway is the Executive Director of the Adirondack Council; Dr. Lee Ann Sporn is a biology professor from Paul Smith’s College who is an expert on ticks; and Brendan Quirion is the Director of the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program and will discuss how invasive species may benefit from warming temperatures and how it may help them spread further into the Adirondack Park.



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