Tedra Cobb | MLJ Interview | VOTE2020

We’re taking a closer look at the rematch between 3-term Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, and her democratic challenger Tedra Cobb in Northern New York’s 21st District. We sit down to talk, in-depth, with Cobb about the impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on the North Country, climate change, and healthcare.

Learn more: www.tedracobb.com


We taped our conversation with Tedra Cobb just a few hours before we got word of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, last Friday. Cobb weighed in this week on President Trump and the U.S. Senate moving ahead with nominating a new justice to the Supreme Court, saying it should wait until after the election.

Rep. Elise Stefanik says she believes President Trump and the Senate have the constitutional right to move ahead with the nominating process even before the election if they have a nominee. We hope to sit down with the Congresswoman in the next couple of weeks to talk, in-depth, about that, and her run for a 4th term.


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