Tag: Support

  • Before the New Year’s Bells chime…

    Before the New Year’s Bells chime…

    We all have plans for how to finish this year… things to get done and ways to celebrate. While you’re making those plans, make today the day you do something special… something not only for your family and friends, but for yourself: Here’s what your donation will help create in 2019:    ✔ The long-anticipated Ken…

  • Thank You for an Incredible Year at Mountain Lake PBS

    Thank You for an Incredible Year at Mountain Lake PBS

    With another fiscal year drawing to a close, all of us here at Mountain Lake PBS would like to take the opportunity to say thank you! All of the support from our community has been greatly appreciated, and put to great use. Thanks to your support programs like MASTERPIECE, Mountain Lake Journal, Veterans Coming Home,…

  • Consider a Year End Gift to Mountain Lake PBS

    Consider a Year End Gift to Mountain Lake PBS

    Mountain lake PBS is an invaluable resource, shared and supported by our community — by viewers like you! When dramas on MASTERPIECE bring us together around a common story… when documentaries like Ken Burns’ The Vietnam War help change our understanding of human events… and when PBS News Hour and Frontline bring the truth to light…  That’s when we know we all share something…