Tag: opioid crisis on-demand

  • Understanding the Opioid Epidemic

    Understanding the Opioid Epidemic

    Understanding the Opioid Epidemic combines stories of people and communities impacted by this epidemic along with information from experts and those at the frontlines of dealing with the epidemic. The program traces the history of how the nation got into this situation and provides possible solutions and directions for dealing with the crisis.

  • Chasing Heroin | FRONTLINE

    Chasing Heroin | FRONTLINE

    FRONTLINE looks at America’s heroin crisis in a fresh and provocative light — telling the stories of individual addicts, but also illuminating the epidemic’s years-in-the-making social context, deeply examining shifts in drug policy, and exploring what happens when addiction is treated like a public health issue, not a crime.

  • Addiction | NOVA

    Addiction | NOVA

    Discover how opioid addiction affects the brain and how evidence-based treatments are saving lives.  Hear firsthand from individuals struggling with addiction and follow the cutting-edge work of doctors and scientists as they investigate why addiction is not a moral failing, but a chronic, treatable medical condition. Easy access to drugs like heroin, fentanyl, and even…