Tag: grade 4 and up

  • My Own Museum at Home!

    My Own Museum at Home!

    Join the worldwide Museum Week celebration! Museums are places people visit to look at art, explore history, watch performances or experience hands-on activities. These buildings hold big collections of things gathered over many years. If you think about it, our homes are kind of like this! Let’s put our imaginations to work, and explore our…

  • DIY Glow-in-the-Dark Wall Decals with Full Time Kid

    DIY Glow-in-the-Dark Wall Decals with Full Time Kid

    Check out this great DIY craft from Full Time Kid with Mya! Make your very own glowing shapes to decorate your bedroom ceiling and enjoy your starry, starry nights! Want to learn more? Use these PBS LearningMedia resources to continue on your scientific journey!   🔬Why Do Stars Twinkle? | Ready Jet Go!– (Grades K-3)…

  • Local Authors: Live!

    Local Authors: Live!

    Local authors Amy Guglielmo and Kate Messner are keeping families across the North Country entertained with video and live-stream read-alouds of their children’s books! Revisit Amy and Kate’s Mountain Lake PBS Author Visits and join us as we journey into the lives and work of these wonderful writers from right in our community. To learn…

  • Egg in a Bottle Experiment with Full Time Kid

    Egg in a Bottle Experiment with Full Time Kid

    Teach your kids the basics of air pressure with this fun and simple scientific experiment from Full Time Kid with Mya! Don’t worry, no eggs were harmed in the making of this video – but adult supervision is required. Want to learn more? Use these PBS LearningMedia resources to continue on your scientific journey!  …

  • Learning At Home: Celebrating Earth Day!

    Learning At Home: Celebrating Earth Day!

    Happy Earth Day! In honor of celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day this week, we’re sharing our favorite highlights from WGBH’s “Bringing the Universe to America” Collection, created in collaboration with NASA. No matter your learning situation at the moment, check out these incredible resources with your kids to help them bloom like flowers,…

  • Create an ooey, gooey, masterpiece Full Time Kid

    Create an ooey, gooey, masterpiece Full Time Kid

    Want to create an ooey, gooey, masterpiece? Watch this video from Full Time Kid with Mya to get your kid’s creativity flowing!   Bonus activity: After you’re done making a waxy work of art, here are some questions to keep the learning going.   Did the crayons melt more quickly when you held the blow-dryer close to, or far away from, the crayons?   🔬Science fact: A warmer object can warm a…

  • DIY Fun with Full Time Kid

    DIY Fun with Full Time Kid

    Spring is here and the birds are chirping! We love this Home Made Birdhouse craft from Full Time Kid with Mya. Join the fun and make your own with simple, recyclable materials found around the house.  For more info on how to talk to your kids about ecosystems, birdwatching and how the animals and plants…

  • Learning At Home Highlights [4/13 – 4/17]

    Learning At Home Highlights [4/13 – 4/17]

    All next week from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Learning At Home schedule Mountain Lake PBS will be screening a selection of our award-winning documentaries. Explore PBS LearningMedia and web resources with your family afterwards for a variety of fun, educational tools to learn more! Monday, April 13, 1 PM Songs to Keep: Treasures of an…

  • Discussion Questions for Learning at Home programs

    Discussion Questions for Learning at Home programs

    Want to take your viewing time to the next level? Talking about or doing related activities before, during, and after shows on Mountain Lake PBS during our Learn at Home block (11 AM to 5 PM) can help you remember what you’ve learned. Here’s a deck of discussion questions you can download and use with your…

  • Taking TV Time to the Next Level: A PBS Viewing Guide for 7th-12th Graders

    Taking TV Time to the Next Level: A PBS Viewing Guide for 7th-12th Graders

    When you’re watching shows on PBS, engaging in discussion or related activities before, during, and/or after the show can help you remember what you’ve learned. Check out these discussion questions and activities for any show you watch on PBS – no Internet needed – to take what you just watched to the next level.  DISCUSS…