Tag: Cabaret du Casino

  • Treat your mom this Mother’s Day !

    Treat your mom this Mother’s Day !

    She birthed you, taught you valuable life lessons and watched you grow with love and attention … Today is Mother’s day and we celebrate the wonderful person that is Mom! Still searching for a great gift or outing idea?  Gen’s Delights got you covered: New York – Hollywood These two cities definitely evoke vivid imagery…

  • Canadian March Break Getaways Ideas for Families and Contest !

    Canadian March Break Getaways Ideas for Families and Contest !

    Canadian March Break (2nd – 12th March) is a week-long hiatus that bridges the long gap between winter and spring. School is officially out for a week as thousands of teachers, students and parents search for amazing destinations to share fun activities and adventures together. Although sun destinations are ever popular vacation choices, there are…

  • Music ignites the soul of Montrealers this week !

    Music ignites the soul of Montrealers this week !

    Scientists have been studying how music affects our brain, helping us to make sense of its real emotional and social power…. Whether attending an opera, a rock concert, listening to the radio, or singing with friends around a camp fire, music brings people together, transcends language barriers and fills us with varied emotions. We can collectively agree that music is…