Tag: ADK 2030

  • Adapting to Climate Change’s Impact on Adirondack Hiking Trails

    Adapting to Climate Change’s Impact on Adirondack Hiking Trails

    All the heat, humidity, haze, and smoke from the wildfires in Canada & heavy rains and flooding across Vermont & the Adirondacks this summer has opened a lot of people’s eyes to the dramatic effects of climate change. Those who love and work to protect the wilderness have changed how they design & build trails…

  • Climate Change & Maple Sugaring in the Adirondacks

    Climate Change & Maple Sugaring in the Adirondacks

    Will climate change have an impact on maple sugaring in the Adirondacks? Explore the syrup production process with experts, scientists, and students in this episode of Adirondack 2030. Learn how sap from maple trees becomes the bottled syrup on your table from Wade Whitney at Whitney’s Maple Spring Farm, Adam Wild with Cornell University Uihlein…

  • Caring for Cute Critters!

    Caring for Cute Critters!

    You may encounter an otter in the wild, and you are pretty much guaranteed to meet at least one at the Wild Center in Tupper Lake, New York. The Wild Center is home to a team of rescue otters who could not survive in the wilderness. This report will tell you how curators care for…

  • Two teens start business to combat climate change with compost

    Two teens start business to combat climate change with compost

    Two Lake Placid High School students helped start a business to better our environment, aiming to prove you’re never too young and the enormous goal of healing the planet can be broken down into small steps. Recent graduates Astrid Livesey Saint-Pierre and Ellen Lansing discuss their composting business, created with the help of their mentor,…

  • Summit Stewards

    Summit Stewards

    Summit Stewards have led a remarkable recovery in the alpine habitat at the summits of the High Peaks of the Adirondack Mountains, through educational outreach and the use of specialized photopoint camera technology to help protect and restore New York’s rarest and most fragile ecosystem. ADK 2030 is a new YouTube series by Mountain Lake…