Community Forum with Congresswoman Elise Stefanik

UPDATE: The forum will air again Sunday, May 14th at 11:00 am and 6:00 pm.  To watch the full raw video click the video above. For a transcript click here.

Plattsburgh, NY – 04/18/2017 – On May 8 at 6:30 PM, Mountain Lake PBS will tape and livestream a community forum with Congresswoman Elise Stefanik. The discussion will be moderated by Thom Hallock, producer and host of Mountain Lake Journal.

The forum will be devoted entirely to questions and comments, selected at random, by studio attendees and community members online. As seating is limited to 100 attendees in the Mountain Lake PBS studio, those who wish to attend the taping are asked to sign-up for a lottery to receive tickets online, or by calling 518-324-0155. Registration for the lottery will remain until Monday, May  1 at 10 AM. Those selected will be notified by phone and/or email on May 1.

The taping of this forum will stream live online at Those unable to attend the in-studio audience are invited to join the conversation with questions and comments while watching the live stream of the taping.

This forum will air on Mountain Lake PBS on Tuesday, May 9 at 9 PM.

*Note to media: Due to the limited seating in the studio, community members will be given priority for seats. If there is no additional space in the studio, Mountain Lake PBS will set up a conference room with a closed-circuit monitor for any media that would like to attend. If you would like to request dubs of the taping, please inform us in advance by emailing


Frequently Asked Questions

[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4]

[accordion-item title=”Where and when is the event? How can I watch?”]

The studio taping will take place at Mountain Lake PBS, 1 Sesame St in Plattsburgh NY at 6:30 PM on Monday, May 8.

The taping will be streamed live online on this page, and on facebook.

The event will also be broadcast on Mountain Lake PBS on Tuesday, May 9 at 9 PM.


[accordion-item title=”Why the 100 person seat limit?”]

We completely understand the desire for a large scale Town Hall. Because we are such a small organization, it’s not feasible for us pull off a broadcast taping like this outside the studio, which is why we’re hosting this as a Community Forum. We hope because this will be streamed live online and broadcast on TV provides another kind of access to those who might not be able to attend from all across the district.We are doing our best to make this process as fair and as transparent as we can possibly can.


[accordion-item title=”How will the seat lottery be conducted?”]

Registration for the seat lottery will remain open until Monday, May 1st at 10 AM. Any resident of NY 21st Congressional District is invited to register, either by phone at 518-324-0155, or the online form.

On Monday, May 1st, Mountain Lake PBS staff will add all registrants to a drawing and draw the names at random, with no screening of the list.

Those who receive seats will be notified by phone and/or email on May 1st. Those who did not receive a seat will not be contacted.


[accordion-item title=”Will attendees or questions be screened?”]

No. Neither questions or attendees will be screened at all.


[accordion-item title=”How will questions be chosen and who will ask them?”]

As audience members enter, they will receive a number, and numbers will be drawn during the event. The audience member whose number is drawn will be invited up to a microphone to ask their own question. The only questions the moderator, Thom Hallock, will ask are those that come in online during the event.















18 responses to “Community Forum with Congresswoman Elise Stefanik”

  1. The resistance Avatar
    The resistance

    A cable access channel could pull this off in a larger venue. You are an actual PBS station and you can’t? What, are you Stefanik suck ups? What gives? You can shoot TV quality HD with an iphone, how can you NOT do this in a bigger venue?? I call BULLSHIT

  2. Jim Haig Avatar
    Jim Haig

    Is there still an opportunity to submit a question online to your organization?

    1. Absolutely! There are a multitude of ways! You can comment or ask a question on this webpage, leave a comment or ask a question on our FB page, tweet with #StefanikForum or you can watch the livestream on FB and comment live. The MLPBS staff will be monitoring for questions and comments and share them as time allows.

  3. chris hastings Avatar
    chris hastings

    I would like to ask the question of what happens to all those folks that work for a lot of our non-Profits will be able to afford to have healthcare . Before ACA, the organization I was on the Board Of Directors of was not able to supply health Benefits for their employees for our Grants would not provide enough money to be able to offer it . It was not until the Affordable Care Act with the the full time employees were able to have healthcare.

  4. You should warm up the crowd with a video of the selection process.

    Btw, even if Stefanik didn’t let down all of #ny21 with a vote for #stefanikCare this would have attracted more than 100 people.

    I hope, even with all the frustration with Ms. Stefanik’s avoidance of meetings with #ny21, people will be civil and the representative will start having more of these. (yes, she does meet with small control groups)

  5. Marlene McAlevey Avatar
    Marlene McAlevey

    I hope Ms Stefanik addresses the loss of 8 billion for less wealthy Americans and pushing that money to a tax break of about 5 billion to the wealthiest Amercans. Someone who earns 1 million will save 50,000 dollars with this bill . Do not allow her to obfuscate which she is master of.

  6. Why was Elise too afraid to appear on MSNBC (a conservative forum) to explain this shitpile of a bill??

  7. Mrs. Rasco Avatar
    Mrs. Rasco

    I would like to hear Congresswoman Stefanik defend her vote to repeal the ACA. I’m interested in her response to observations that Trumpcare would leave many of her lower-income constituents uninsured while giving billions of dollars in tax breaks to our nation’s wealthiest citizens. I would also like her address concerns over “pre-existing conditions” and how her vote will affect access to mental health services and pediatric care in our area (two categories of healthcare that will face cuts under this plan, especially for low income families).

  8. I also feel that Congresswoman Stefanik should answer for her vote repealing the ACA. Ditto Marlene McAlevey on the financial aspect of “Trumpcare.” However, I also think that the congresswoman should address Trumpcare’s reintroduction of “pre-existing conditions” into our nation’s healthcare equation. As a low-income constituent with a pre-existing medical condition, I am very interested in hearing Congresswoman Stefanik’s justification.

  9. Will the taping of this forum be posted online for those that can’t watch this evening?

    1. kcooney2017 Avatar

      The full forum will be available to stream online, but probably won’t be uploaded until tomorrow. The forum will also be broadcast tomorrow night at 8:00 pm on Mountain Lake PBS.

  10. Ditto chris hastings and Marlene McAlevey. Additionally, I’d like to hear Congresswoman Stefanik’s justification for the inclusion of “pre-existing conditions” language in Trumpcare.

  11. Jon Ralston Avatar
    Jon Ralston

    What is the congresswoman’s stance on developing and promoting ‘green’ energy in the North Country?

    1. kcooney2017 Avatar

      Thank you for your question. We will try to submit it if there is time.

  12. Chris Gillen Avatar
    Chris Gillen

    Please ask Congresswoman stefanik to discuss how Medicaid expansion and spending is ill affecting states and how more people are on Medicaid then ever before.

  13. Why does Congresswoman Stefanik INSIST on referring to the “traditional” Medicaid model? Just because you no longer label a person as being in a Medicaid-eligible pool doesn’t mean they’re no longer low-income and no longer require assistance paying for healthcare. Quit dodging responsibility for taking money from low income families.

  14. Fred V Provoncha Avatar
    Fred V Provoncha

    It was somewhat wet and cold outside, but we appreciated PBS’s hospitality, and a chance to support Elise…thank you.. fvp

    1. Thank you!

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