Standing Up for Child Care in the Adirondacks

A call to action and video campaign aim to get New York State lawmakers to commit $1.5 million dollars to this year’s budget to help working families in Clinton, Essex, and Franklin Counties pay for child care. They hope to convince lawmakers to add subsidies this year, and then long-term, invest in higher pay and financial incentives for providers, to encourage more child care centers to open. Organizers of the campaign say as many as 5 kids compete for every opening at the 200 licensed child care providers in the 3 counties. Economic experts say the crisis is also impacting the economy as many parents, especially during the pandemic, are missing work or choosing not to pursue job opportunities due to the lack of reliable, affordable child care.

Watch Adirondack Foundation’s Birth to Three Alliance Stand Up for Child Care Adirondacks Video on their website:


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