UPDATE: Jacques Pépin is coming to Plattsburgh in 2021

A few months ago Mountain Lake PBS announced a gala planned for September 2021 welcoming world-renowned chef Jacques Pépin as a featured guest! Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 pandemic we were forced to postpone this event. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Jacques Pépin has kindly agreed to reschedule and be the featured guest at our event next year in September of 2021!

More information will be available as we get closer to the date of the Gala.


8 responses to “UPDATE: Jacques Pépin is coming to Plattsburgh in 2021”

  1. Joan Kornecki Avatar
    Joan Kornecki


  2. Hello Could you explain what Jacques will be doing please. Will he be doing any cooking or speaking only? Thank you-

    1. Hi Susan. Jacques Pépin will not be cooking, however, he will be speaking at the event and mingling with guests.

  3. When will the time and more details be offered? Do we buy tix ahead of time?

    1. Hi Amy. Yes, tickets will be available ahead of time for this fantastic fundraising event. We are still in the planning stages but will be releasing more details just as soon as we can!

  4. Darren Firestone Avatar
    Darren Firestone

    When will tickets be available?

  5. Derek Curzi Avatar
    Derek Curzi

    I’m in and would love to be part in any way I am an Executive Chef / Instructor from Montreal Quebec and love your station and he is a definite inspiration keep me posted please thank you be safe

  6. Mara Arico Avatar
    Mara Arico

    I watch Jacques Pepin’s cooking show on MLPBS regularly I often record the shows to rewatch them I also bought the accompanying cookbook Heart and Soul It is wonderful I especially like his paintings I look forward to his appearance Please let me know as soon as tickets are available

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