Pioneers of Rural Healthcare Panel Discussion

We held a special screening of the documentary “The Mayo Clinic: Faith-Hope-Science” at the Miner Institute in Chazy last week, and invited Dr. Claude Deschamps from the UVM Medical Center and College of Medicine. He is a surgeon, senior associate Dean, and the President of the University of Vermont Medical Group. He joined us for a panel discussion about Burns’ new film after the screening. Dr. Deschamps is the former Chief of Surgery at the Mayo Clinic, and talked about the hospital’s mission of giving patients hope:

Dr. Deschamps was joined by retired North Country physician & historian Rich Frost, and Ellen Adams, who is the Director of the Alice T. Miner Museum in Chazy. They talked about William H. Miner, the North Country entrepreneur and philanthropist, also being a pioneer in rural healthcare by building Champlain Physicians Hospital in Plattsburgh in the mid-1920’s, which at the time, like the Mayo Clinic, was a state-of-the-art medical facility.

You can watch the documentary on Miner, Heart’s Delight: The William H. Miner Story, Monday, October 1 at 12 noon on Mountain Lake PBS.


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