For 30-years the Adirondack Museum in Blue Mountain Lake, now known as The Adirondack Experience, has held its Rustic Furniture Fair, every September. Popular from the start, the museum had to make it a “by invitation only” affair to keep from being inundated by rustic crafters. Since that first year, many who weren’t invited came anyway. With no more room for them inside the museum, they made do by getting a little crafty.

While the Rustic Furniture Fair may be finished for another year, the Adirondack Experience keeps its tents up for one more major event, the Adirondack Experience Antiques Show and Sale, held this year this coming Sunday, September 16th from 10 until 5pm. Admission to the show is included in the general admission to the museum.

You can watch our recent interview with the Adirondack Experience’s Executive Director David Kahn who talks about what’s been a transformational summer with a new name and opening of the museum’s new hands-on exhibit “Life in the Adirondacks”

People Near Here is made possible with local support from Valcour Brewing Company, Northern Insuring, and Lake Forest.


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