Parc Safari’s Director of Zoology and Conservation

Parc Safari’s Director of Zoology and Conservation, Nathalie Santerre, joins us this week to talk about putting the cubs on display at the zoo in two weeks, as well as the plight of cheetahs around the world and efforts to add them to the Endangered Species List.
The cubs will be on display through the end of October. Learn more:
See photos and videos on Parc Safari’s Facebook page:

This summer we here at Mountain Lake PBS aired a special series called “RARE: Creatures of the Photo Ark” which showcased the work of National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore, who has taken thousands of photos to document rare & endangered species living in the world’s zoos and wildlife sanctuaries. His idea? Inspiring action through education, to help save threatened and endangered wildlife by getting people to support conservation efforts. You can see his incredible photos, learn more about programs to help endangered species, and also stream the series online.
Watch/Learn more:


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