NYS DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos Talks State Climate Action Plan | MLJ Interview

Commissioner Seggos joins us to talk about New York’s new climate action plan.
Learn more/Comment on Draft Scoping Plan: www.climate.ny.gov

The Commissioner also updates us on the conversion of 34-miles of railroad tracks between Lake Placid and Tupper Lake into a multi-use recreation trail in the heart of the Adirondacks. He also talks about how the State will once again use a reservation system for hikers looking to get parking spots in the lot at the Adirondack Mountain Reserve in Keene, NY. The system was tried as a pilot program last summer as a way to reduce overcrowding along Route 73 for hikers wanting to use some of the most popular trails in the High Peaks.

Commissioner Seggos also talks about concerns over an invasive fish, the Round Goby, that has made its way into the Champlain Canal from the Hudson River and has become a threat to Lake Champlain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsZFCQh1gLo&ab_channel=MountainLakePBS


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