‘Nightly Business Report’ ends its 40-year run

We want to let our Nightly Business Report viewers know that CNBC the producer of the NBR has decided to end the series after the Friday December 27th broadcast.  Starting Thursday January 2nd, a new program BBC World News Outside Source will take over the 6:30 time slot Monday-Thursday… with BBC World News Today airing Fridays at 6:30 starting January 3rd.  We want to thank you for your loyal viewership over the past 40 seasons and from the staff of MLPBS we wish everyone the happiest of holidays.


22 responses to “‘Nightly Business Report’ ends its 40-year run”

  1. How awful..!! The nightly business report was my sole reference into what was really happening with our world business news.. Who was the poop head that decided this should be canceled..!!??????

    That person should be fired..!!!!!!



    I am upset the show has been cancelled as well, and would like to know why. But let’s not start calling names. Can someone explain why the show has been cancelled? I think PBS needs to stop “co-producing” shows with profit-oriented entities. It is quite sad, I have been watching the show…. I guess for 40 years.

  3. Tobi Horwitz Avatar
    Tobi Horwitz

    Very disappointed. Very disappointed. More than very disappointed.

  4. Thank you Louie. I think you were very controlled in your reply. NBR was THE ONLY show that gave individual viewers like me and you an insight into the stock markets. I will definitely miss the show.

  5. As an avid viewer, I’m very disappointed they are cancelling the show. I hope PBS will find another route to keep delivering real business news to us. Maybe CBS will hear the viewers and rethink this poor decision! What a loss at the very start of 2020 which should be perfect vision!!

    1. Brody Hill Avatar
      Brody Hill

      NBR was getting long in the tooth and was really a subpar financial news program but great capitalist cheerleader.
      Drop by The Keiser Report with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert. It might open your eyes.

  6. Katherine Curley Avatar
    Katherine Curley

    I am also saddened NBR was pulled. Please enlighten us as to what went into this decision and reconsider the shows removal. It was one of a kind program and I already miss watching and learning from the material presented.

  7. John & Cynthia Avatar
    John & Cynthia

    We, too, deeply regret the termination of this well- produced and informative program — over 40 years of watching it, we have learned much and benefitted significantly. Please let CNBC know how much we oppose their abrupt decision ‼️

    Cynthia&John (Montreal)

  8. NBR was one-of-a-kind. It offered a refreshing change of pace from the material of questionable value found in other news programs. The decision to cancel NBR is ill advised and should be reconsidered.

  9. Sam Rounds Avatar
    Sam Rounds

    Very unhappy this fine summary of financial news has been taken away. Sadly, good things keep leaving TV and that is because TV news is becoming irrelevant because it is too old. It is more in depth than the snippets we get on our devices. Bad decision by CNBC.

  10. Very sad this awesome program was discontinued.

  11. I am saddened, disappointed and surprised that such an important program would be canceled. This is the only place that I have been able to get free unbiased business information and viewpoints for our nation and the world. I hope they reconsider canceling this important venue.

  12. I am disappointed, surprise, and saddened that this important program has been discontinued. It is the only free unbiased report on national and worldly Businesses. I hope that making and airing this program will be reconsidered

  13. John Lotane Avatar
    John Lotane

    Watched every night for 30 years. Don’t understand the decision to end it at all.

  14. Public Outcry Avatar
    Public Outcry

    This was the darkside of capitalism. NBR was a great business news program funded by the public. It was then acquired and taken private and now was ended. How disgusted and retarded that was.

  15. Carl Curzio Avatar
    Carl Curzio

    I think they should seriously consider a replacement show. This was a very important program for so many people. It should be replaced with a business report even more informative.
    Carl C.

  16. Robert Libby Avatar
    Robert Libby

    What a disaster for the many dedicated listeners to NBR on PBS.

    I and mybfamily have relied on this summary of the financial news as indispensible for 40nyears. What is PBS doing to replace this important service?????

    R. E. Libby

  17. What a disappointment! We loved this program and valued the information presented. A terrible decision.

  18. Antar Shadad Avatar
    Antar Shadad

    No reason for PBS anymore. Good work to everyone who made this nonsense decision.

  19. Wayne Jordan Avatar
    Wayne Jordan

    NBR gave me three goods; it kept my finger on the pulse of the stock market, it provided me with more enthusiasm for investing and made me feel good about my investment decisions. I suppose I can find those three goods elsewhere, but that is what I will have to do, look elsewhere.

  20. I opened the TV yesterday looking for my favorite show after not looking for months and was stunned to see it gone.
    Another intelligent show gone extinct.

    There’s a lot of info out there but not in such concise form.

    Or am I just getting old?
    Probably a little of both although it is undeniable this was a show for the common man, devoid of all the whistles and bells and hype of today’s media, and very pedagogical in purpose, and they don’t make them
    like this anymore.
    Sorry to see it go

  21. TV has lost so many fabulous financial news sources like NBR, Louis Ruekeysers Wall Street and The McLaughlin Group. It’s getting harder to find a good news source like these.

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