Local Songbird Sajaa releases her debut Album: Blurred Minds and Perspectives at La Casona !

Sajaa, a talented young singer-songwriter from Rivières-des-Prairies released her debut album last November 2nd at Montreal’s LA CASONA to an adoring crowd .

Drawing inspiration from major artists like Joss Stone, Lauryn Hill, D’Angelo, and Amy Winehouse, Sajaa wholeheartedly dedicates herself to music.

Over the years, she has developed a genuine connection with musicians, instruments, musicality, and live performances.

Whether performing live or working in the studio, Sajaa exudes an elegant presence and genuine charisma worthy of a rising star.

Blurred Minds & Perspectives…a newly launched EP

Sajaa has been involved in every stage of creating her six-song mini EP, leaving her imprint, signature, and magical personal touch.

With the collaboration of Paul Charles (musical director, co-producer, and bassist of the album, as well as conductor and co-host of Marie-Louise Arsenault’s radio show “Tout peut arriver” on Ici Première) and Daphné Louis (responsible for musical arrangements, her vocal coach, and a chorister for Corneille), she offers us a universe rich in emotions and intimate atmospheres.

First single’s music video “Promise”: Promise Music Video


Interview with SAJAA

A. You have been influenced by artists like Joss Stone, Lauryn Hill, D’Angelo, and Amy Winehouse. How have these influences shaped your music and style, and what unique elements do you bring to your music?

They inspire me to craft songs that resonate with authenticity. Songwriting can be such a vulnerable art form, and they all pushed me into a fearless exploration of my emotions. Digging deep into emotions is at the core of my storytelling.

They also immensely influenced my understanding and approach to musicality, from blending genres to pushing musical boundaries, to bringing classic twists to modern sounds. They also really motivated me to deliver authentic performances that are not just heard but felt.

I think that all these aspects and me being patient with my music have helped me discover my authentic sound and expand my creativity.

B. It is evident that you are deeply involved in the creative process, leaving your mark on all aspects of your music. Could you tell us more about your approach to writing and production, and what you aim to convey through the emotional and atmospheric richness of your music?

I mostly write about life experiences and situations that require me to go deeper within myself. When an emotion seems too complex to share or explain, it always feels easier to turn it into a song.

Writing comes to me spontaneously, and I always know how I want my songs to sound. There’s no step-by-step; I just live my life, and it comes to me very naturally.

It is so important for me to be able to put words on feelings that can sometimes feel hard to develop and talk about. Music has always made me feel secure, validated, and less alone.

I want my music to be able to be just that for the next person.

C. Collaboration seems to be an important part of your work, with the involvement of Paul Charles and Daphné Louis. How do these collaborations contribute to the sound and unique character of your mini EP, and how did the creative process unfold when working with these talented individuals?

They are a huge part of what makes my music what it is today. They enhance all my ideas, turning them into something far beyond what I could envision alone.

Paul Charles is my musical director. He also co-produced and is the bass player on the entirety of my EP ‘Blurred Minds & Perspectives.’ He always pushes my ideas and turns my concepts into something extraordinary.

Lorviéna Daphnée Louis really gets me out of my shell. I gained a lot of confidence working with her. Her expertise really helps, not only my voice but also my music because she takes care of the vocal arrangements.

It’s a dynamic partnership where their guidance pushes my artistic boundaries to unlock my full potential. I really look up to them, and I am a true believer that it takes a village to create.

Thanks to Sajaa for taking the time to answer my questions.

Sajaa’s new EP ‘Blurred Minds & Perspectives. Song list : Time, Cherrywine, Souvenirs, Promise, Odyssey and Misled

Listen to Sajaa:

Official YouTube Channel: @sajaa

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sajaainlife/?hl=en


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