Local Authors: Live!

Local authors Amy Guglielmo and Kate Messner are keeping families across the North Country entertained with video and live-stream read-alouds of their children’s books!

Revisit Amy and Kate’s Mountain Lake PBS Author Visits and join us as we journey into the lives and work of these wonderful writers from right in our community.

To learn more about Amy Guglielmo’s books and future live-stream readings, visit her website and Facebook page.

You can check out Amy’s read-alouds of Cezanne’s Parrot, Find King Henry’s Treasure, and much more on her YouTube channel too!

To learn more about Kate Messner’s books and future live-stream readings, visit her website or Facebook page.

You can check out Kate’s read-alouds of Over and Under the Pond, How to Read a Story, and much more on her YouTube channel too!


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