Karl Moore on Hot Cities Tour, Trade & Baseball

McGill Business School professor Dr. Karl Moore joins us to talk about the Hot Cities to the World Tour that he took with students from his McGill Business School to the Far East to learn about evolving global markets and economies.
Moore also discusses U.S./Canada trade, the status of the current NAFTA talks, U.S./Canada relations under President Trump, Montreal’s new mayor, and efforts to bring a Major League Baseball team back to Montreal.

Watch bonus clip of Moore discussing Quebec Aerospace and Rail manufacturer Bombardier, which has a rail assembly plant in Plattsburgh, NY. He discusses sales of Bombardier’s C-Series and Global 7000 aircraft:

Karl Moore is also the host of The CEO Series radio program that can be heard on CJAD-800 radio in Montreal: https://soundcloud.com/cjad800/sets/the-ceo-series
The CEO Series podcasts are available on iTunes.


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